We would like to announce the exciting news that GA Maclachlan Incorporated, has introduced its own app, which is now available on Apple devices (On App Store), or on any other device (On Google Play)!
Please search under the name : GA Maclachlan Inc.
The app is designed to give you up-to-date information on the following:
Tax guides from 2021 to 2024 tax year
Budget Highlights of every year
Any other shortcuts for any kind of tax, and other tax related information
Tax calendar
Reminders of tax D-dates
Public holidays
Budget speeches
Newsfeeds from
Our own Blog (Previous newsletters sent)
SARS news
SA Reserve Bank news
National Treasury news
Moneyweb news
SARS e Logbook
Our contact details
The above app is very exciting to us to present to all our clients, friends and associates!
Please feel free to contact us, should you have any queries. Positive criticism will also be much appreciated!
Otherwise, please feel free to download the app. The Budget speech for 2024/2025, will be downloaded, as soon as the Budget Speech is presented.
Scan here or click to visit our App Store for Apple
Scan here or click to visit our Google Play for Android
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