GA Mac Lachlan Inc | Registered Chartered Accountants and Auditor

Tax deductions for disability: Retroactive change relating to school fees

Expenditure prescribed by SARS and which is necessarily incurred and paid for by a taxpayer due to a physical impairment or disability is a qualifying medical expense for tax purposes. Taxers incurring such expenses can obtain a tax benefit. An expense does not automatically qualify as a deduction by mere reason of its listing in […]

Retirement saved from controversial tax proposal

When an individual ceases to be a South African tax resident prior to retirement from a South African retirement fund and becomes tax resident of another country, that individual’s interest in a retirement fund may, on payment of a lump sum or monthly pension, be subject to tax in the other country. The application of […]

VAT: Special dispensation for motor dealers expired

Motor dealers may in certain instances pay an amount to a customer for a second-hand vehicle over the generally accepted trade-in market value reflected in the Auto Dealers’ Guide (motor dealers usually determine the market value of second-hand vehicles according to a publication known as the “Auto Dealers’ Guide”). The difference between this value and […]

Is your disclosure “Voluntary”?

In December 2021, the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA) handed down a judgment dismissing an appeal against a decision of the Tax Court. The issue before the SCA was whether the South African Revenue Services (SARS) was correct in rejecting Purveyors South Africa Mine Services (Pty) Ltd’s (Purveyors) Voluntary Disclosure Programme application (VDP application) for […]

Everything you need to know about Suretyship agreements

A deed of suretyship is an agreement that is concluded by a creditor and a third party. The essentialia of this type of agreement are that the surety (third party) undertakes to be liable to the creditor for the due performance by the debtor of his or her obligations in terms of the principal debt. […]

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